Nositelé medaile Jana Marka Marci z Kronlandu

prof. Alessandro D´Ulivo

Alessandro D’Ulivo (born in Pescia, Tuscany, 1954) graduated in Chemistry at University and Pisa (1978) and is a Senior Researcher of Italian National Research Council (since 1981). He is presently developing his research activity at the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds of CNR, research unit of Pisa, of which he was head from 2010 to 2013.

He is associate professor of at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa since 1991 and Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2010-2013) teaching Analytical Chemistry and supervising graduate and PhD students for thesis. Awarded of the national scientific qualification of Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry (2013).

He is IUPAC Fellow from 2011and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy from 2006. He organized the Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XL, held in Pisa in 2017.

His research interests focus on analytical atomic and mass spectrometry for trace and ultratrace analysis, fundamentals and applications of chemical and photochemical vapor generation technique, mechanistic aspects of the generation of volatile hydrides by aqueous, boranes, atomization mechanisms and interferences in hydride atomizers, hyphenated techniques using chromatography interfaced with atomic or mass spectrometry.

International scientific cooperation includes National Research Council Canada (INMS, Ottawa), Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (Inst. Analytical Chemistry), Laurentian University (Dept. Chemistry, Sudbury), Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Dept. Biogeochemistry, Mainz, D), Federal University of Santa Catharina, (Florianopolis, Brazil), Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), Xiamen University (China).

He authored and co-authored 113 scientific papers on international ISI journals, with 3310 citations and H-index=31.

